Thursday, December 1, 2016

Thomas Jefferson's election in 1800 is sometimes called the Revolution of 1800. Why could it be described in this way?

Thomas Jefferson’s election in 1800 can be called the “Revolution of 1800” because it was the first time in America’s short history that power passed from one political party to the other. This was extremely important because it established the idea that, in the United States, a party would peacefully give up power if it lost an election. 

In its earliest days, the United States had two main political factions that would eventually become separate political parties.  The first of these factions was the Federalists.  Some of the more prominent Federalists included George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, and John Adams.  This faction believed in a strong national government and was relatively less willing to trust in the people.  It wanted somewhat less democracy than the other faction.  The other faction was called the Democratic-Republicans.  This faction believed much more in democracy and in the power of state governments. 

Under George Washington’s presidency, everyone was relatively happy to remain within the Federalist camp because Washington had so much personal prestige.  After Washington left office, the Electoral College elected John Adams, who had been his vice president.  Adams, however, did not have nearly as much prestige and charisma and the parties started to drift apart.  The Federalists were very suspicious of the Democratic-Republicans and even felt that it was treasonous to oppose the government.  They passed the Alien and Sedition Acts that were meant to prevent Democratic-Republicans from airing their views and opposing the Federalist-controlled government. Things were very tense between the two parties.

It was in this atmosphere that the election of 1800 took place.  Jefferson eventually won the election.  This was extremely important because it established the idea that power in the United States could pass from one party to another without violence.  This is something that many countries have failed to accomplish. The fact that it happened in the United States is one of the major things that allowed our country to survive as a democracy.  This is the main reason why the election of 1800 can be characterized as a revolution.

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Thomas Jefferson's election in 1800 is sometimes called the Revolution of 1800. Why could it be described in this way?

Thomas Jefferson’s election in 1800 can be called the “Revolution of 1800” because it was the first time in America’s short history that pow...