Thursday, October 6, 2016

How to write analyses on short stories and dramas? How to take good marks? How to use good vocabulary?

There is no easy way to become a good writer. It takes practice. The best way to become competent is to keep a journal or diary and to write a certain quota of words every day. Then when you have an assignment requiring writing, it won't seem like such an ordeal. Keeping a journal or diary can be a pleasure. You can write about anything you feel like writing. You don't have to show your journal or diary to anybody. You aren't going to get graded or criticized. Your daily word quota doesn't have to be very big. One hundred words per day would be adequate if you always met your daily quota. That means that if you get carried away and write several hundred words in one day, you still have to write the minimum of one hundred words the next day.

I was taught this many, many years ago in an introductory English class in college. It was just about the best thing I ever learned in school. A good model to follow is Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl. Her diary has become a classic read by millions in many different languages. I hope you will try keeping a journal or diary for a reasonable length of time, say a month or two, and see how you feel about it. I also recommend reading The Elements of Style by William Strunk, Jr., and E. B. White.

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