Sunday, September 5, 2010

Which medications can help to prevent stroke?

A stroke occurs when blockages in blood vessels cut off the flow of oxygen to brain tissue. A stroke may have only minor symptoms, like temporary numbness in a limb, or more severe effects like paralysis. Sometimes, stroke can also rupture blood vessels in the brain, causing a hemorrhage of blood into the cranial cavity. Some factors which can increase a person's likelihood of stroke are high cholesterol (which can cause fatty plaque to build up in blood vessels,) high blood pressure (also called hypertension,) and platelet abnormalities which increase clotting. Medications which treats one or more of these factors can help to prevent stroke-- there is no one medication for preventing stroke.

High cholesterol in the blood may be treated with a number of medications, most of which fall into the category of statin drugs. Statins work by preventing the liver from creating an enzyme needed to produce cholesterol in the body. Medication is not the only option for lowering cholesterol, and should be considered after making efforts to exercise more often and eat a well balanced diet. 

Similarly, there are a variety of drugs used to treat hypertension, or high blood pressure. Diuretics can help to remove excess water and salt from the body, reducing the liquid volume of blood and the pressure required to move it throughout the body. Other kinds of drugs which can be used to treat high blood pressure include vasodilators (which relax the blood vessels,) and beta-blockers (which lower heart rate.) 

Anticoagulants like warfarin or aspirin inhibit the ability of platelets to form a clot. This can be beneficial for people who have narrowed blood vessels due to high cholesterol, or who suffer platelet abnormalities which increase the rate of clotting. People with bleeding conditions like Hemophilia or Von Willebrand's Disease should always avoid taking any sort of anticoagulant or blood-thinning medication, as these can cause fatal side effects.

The best way to prevent a stroke is to take care of your body by eating a well-balanced diet, drinking plenty of water, and exercising regularly. People who are at risk for stroke or who have already suffered one may wish to eat a diet that is low in cholesterol and sodium and perform gentle exercise like walking or calisthenics to strengthen the heart.

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