Thursday, August 2, 2012

Give an example of a transverse wave.

Waves can be classified as either longitudinal and transverse. This classification is based on the relative direction of motion of particles and the wave propagation. If the particle displacement is in the same direction as the wave propagation, the waves are known as longitudinal waves. If the particle displacement is perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation, the waves are known as transverse waves.

Ripples on the surface of a water body are transverse waves, since the waves propagate in a horizontal direction, while the particles move in a vertical direction. Similarly, waves on a string are also transverse waves, since particles are displaced in a direction which is perpendicular to the direction of wave propagates.

Sound waves, on the other hand, are longitudinal waves. 

One can find more examples of longitudinal and transverse waves in everyday life.

Hope this helps. 

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