Tuesday, January 15, 2013

How do you study history successfully?

Studying history is very important. There is so much a person can learn by studying history. One approach to studying history successfully is a philosophical approach. History teaches us about the past so we can make good decisions in the present and in the future. If you view history as a guide to your life to help you make good decisions now and in the future, it will help you view history in a positive way. You will see history as relevant in your life even if the events occurred a long time ago.

A second approach is to view the study of history as much more than memorizing names, dates, facts, and places. You should try to see how past events are related to events today, especially those events that impact you. If you view the study of history as a way to take what you have learned about the past to solve current problems, the study of history will have much more meaning to you. Try to view the study of history as if somebody is speaking to you personally about life lessons that you can learn and apply. This will help make the study of history come alive for you, and it will help you see how important the study of history is in your life. Memorization of facts is boring. Applying lessons to your life is relevant, exciting, and impactful.

If you follow these approaches, you will have a much better chance at studying history successfully. You may have heard the phrase that history repeats itself. If we learn from the past, we should be able to avoid making the same mistakes in the future. This is why the study of history is so important.

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