Saturday, December 15, 2012

Write a poem about the book.

There once was a young boy named Percy
and the other kids showed him no mercy.
He went to Olympus
on some family business
and caused a half-blood controversy

for Percy's dad was the god Poseidon
although in him, he could never confide in
that dead beat, he left
Percy was thankful, no less
and his family tree started to widen.

But then Percy got framed for theft
and it wasn't until when he left
that he discovered the rub
Ares set him up
but was foiled because Percy's deft

But just when he thought things ok
he discovered that Luke did betray
to raise the trapped Chronus
and then as a bonus
he wanted to make Zeus go away

But Percy was too cool for that
and before Luke's final coup d'etat
He found his true power
foiled the God of the Hour
and Luke's little plan soon fell flat.

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