Tuesday, October 29, 2013

In Homer's The Odyssey, what omen does Zeus send to the meeting?

When Telemachus meets with the suitors, he confronts them about their abuse of his home's hospitality and tries to shame them for their lack of respect for themselves, his family, and the gods.  He asks them, in the name of Zeus, to leave his home, but they will not.  The suitors blame his mother for her "craft" and Telemachus for his "temper," and eventually Telemachus threatens them should they choose to remain in his home.  Just then, Zeus "sent forth a pair of eagles, flying from a mountain peak on high."  These eagles then attack one another, ripping at each other's faces and necks.  The suitors marvel at the eagles and wonder what they might mean.  Halitherses interprets the bird omen, and he says that Odysseus is on his way home after suffering a great deal and losing his entire crew, but the suitors will not listen.

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