Wednesday, October 10, 2012

What factors led to the Commercial Revolution in Europe?

The 15th Century saw a renewed interest in trading in Europe. One of the primary reasons for this was the contact that the Europeans experienced with the East during the Holy Crusades. The Crusaders brought back food goods such as spices, coffee, tea, and rice that were immediately in high demand. Porcelain, silks and perfumes were also introduced and there was a high demand for those goods in Europe. This interest in goods from the East motivated nations to explore trade routes to India. These routes led to the expansion of trade and conquest along the coast of Africa and into the New World. The colonial conquests of Britain, Spain, and Portugal increased the wealth of these imperial powers which further expanded trade in Europe. The continent was introduced to new goods from both the east and west. This early form of capitalism, which was called mercantilism, motivated nations to trade. A nation achieved its economic and political strength by gaining trade surpluses over its neighbors under mercantilism.

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