Monday, October 29, 2012

What is the mood as Act III, Scene 2 of A Midsummer Night's Dream?

The mood in Act III, scene ii of A Midsummer Night's Dream is multi-layered.  In this scene, we learn from Puck about the effects of the love juice on Titania.  In a humorous exchange between Oberon and Puck, we learn that Titania has fallen in love with Bottom, who has been given a donkey's head by Puck.  The audience is meant to find the situation humorous.

The mood later becomes suspenseful and dreamlike when Helena, Demetrius, Lysander, and Hermia meet again in the woods.  Lysander and Demetrius are both affected by the love juice, creating a suspenseful mood as the audience isn't sure what the end result is going to be.  The scene becomes confusing because we don't know who is supposed to be with who.  The relationships are so mixed up, and the characters are exchanging words/insults so quickly, that it is easy for the audience to get just as mixed up as the characters.

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